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How rude

Valenteana J Chilsted

Blog #3 of 5




August 1st, 2015 - 07:00 AM

How rude

Yesterday I removed a piece of work and e-mailed the artist to let them know that I did it because the group images are to have more animal then scenery it them..Wow he got really upset.
Valenteana J Chilsted - 07/31/2015 07:53 AM:

Hello Carl, Really love the photo, However going to remove it because there is more background then Deer, I don't suppose you have a shot that brings the deer closer?

thank you
Valenteana, Group administrator
Animals and wildlife

his reply: I do believe I will remove myself from this group. Groups are for sharing each others photos, Not you sharing what you like.
Thank you for your concern.

So I e-mailed him back : Sorry you got upset, but you must realize that there are standards for every group, that is one of the reasons there are so many groups, because what don't qualify in one group will qualify in another..
You have a good day.
His reply : Yes and this group is animals and wildlife, so all photos of animals and wildlife are to be shared. I understand you have your own standards though and probably should make a group with your standards.
Good luck on your endeavors.

I just had to get that off my chest, because today there was a general discussion on rude Administrators, I didn't feel it was geared toward me or anything, and there are some rude Administrators, http://fineartamerica.com/showmessages.php?messageid=2629597
But I thought it was kinda funny, cause members can be rude also..My hand is in Gods so I walk beside my members as he walks beside me.

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Kathy K McClellan

8 Years Ago

Florence, AL

Valenteana, my biggest life lesson has been Life IS a matter of perspective. I just think that you and the artist had different perspectives on how to judge whether or not an image fits the group. I personally want to thank you for the hard work and dedication that you put forth for the members of the group(s) you administer. Thanks and good luck!