Chrysler Building - NYC is a photograph by Nicklas Gustafsson which was uploaded on November 24th, 2014.
Chrysler Building - NYC
Chrysler Building - NYC
Nicklas Gustafsson
Photograph - Photography
The famous Chrysler Building in New York City, USA. In sepia black & white.
Picture taken in New York City, New York.
Canon Poweshot S95
Edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.
November 24th, 2014
More from Nicklas Gustafsson
Comments (108)
William Dunigan
Very cool, really emphasizes the Chrystler Building's heights with it rising above the fog like a mountain!
Maggie Terlecki
Oh, my Nicklas, the fog in the picture makes it so different from any other image of the Chrysler Building I've seen. Spectacular!
Anita Pollak
Wow, what a fabulous capture of the Chrysler Building, Nicklas! My father worked there many, many years ago! l/f
Alida M Haslett
Striking capture, Nicklas! Wonderful photography with the spire rising out of the mist. LF
John Van Decker
Wonderful image, Nicklas! Love the iconic spire of the building appearing to emerge from the clouds. L/F
Deb Halloran
Nicklas, This is so simple and so beautiful. The details are incredible...nicely done. l/f