Compassion Crowns the Soul Number 1 is a painting by Aberjhani which was uploaded on April 1st, 2023.
Compassion Crowns the Soul Number 1

by Aberjhani
Compassion Crowns the Soul Number 1
Painting - Silk-featherbrush Artstyle + Mixed Media Painting
“Compassion crowns the soul with its truest victory.”
(from the book The River of Winged Dreams.
April is both National Poetry Month and Jazz Appreciation Month in the United States, and my COMPASSION CROWNS THE SOUL art series is a celebration of both. This month, for many, is also a time of spiritual renewal and rebirth.
The name of the art series comes from a poem titled “Angel of Healing: for the Living, the Dying, and the Praying,” published in The River of Winged Dreams. It is about how developing such qualities as empathy, wisdom, and compassion can help human beings rise above the painful tragedies which often afflict many of our lives.
The polychromatic panel on the left side of the canvas can be viewed as a kind of crown or halo. Some might see it as constructed of red, yellow, and blue flowers held together by a circular band and crest of electric blue, white, and pink. It stands on multiple versions of the same image, representative of the different experiences which comprise an individual’s, or even a nation’s, lifetime. In the background, the Silk-Featherbrush Artstyle waves of red with floating blue and green featherbots are, possibly, the unanticipated factors which impact our lives. Sometimes in ways we don’t appreciate; sometimes in ways we do.
April 1st, 2023
More from Aberjhani
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Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thank you Shoal for stopping by and checking out "Compassion Crowns the Soul Number 1." Glad you like it.

Aberjhani's Official Postered Chromatic Poetics
Thank you very much Carol for stopping and commenting on "Compassion Crowns the Soul Number 1."