Crystalline Waters is a painting by Steve Henderson which was uploaded on March 17th, 2017.
Buy the Original Painting
16.000 x 12.000 inches
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Crystalline Waters
Steve Henderson
Painting - Oil On Panel
Calm waters reflect sunlight from a high alpine sky.
Crystalline Waters, the artwork, invites the viewer to join the artist in a quiet, beautiful, secluded spot – one that can only be reached by a long but delightful hike. Deep in the Wallowa Mountains of Oregon, the high country is filled with hidden lakes and areas where it is not easy to access, but very worth trying.
Even at the height of the tourist season in the Wallowa Mountains – and the tourist season is short because the high areas are accessible only during the summer and late fall months – there are not a lot of people wandering through the hills. Many of the locals will take an afternoon to jog lightly up the path, unencumbered by too much in their pack, and will enjoy the quiet and the peace of this beautiful wilderness.
For those who live further away – and the Wallowa Mountains are a fair ways away from the places where many people live – it is worth the long drive on the winding roads to get here, because this is a place like no others. Nicknamed the Swiss Alps of North America, the Wallowa Mountains rise out of nowhere over a high plateau, and though they are not the Alps, they are a wonderful substitute for them, for those who don’t plan a trip to Europe.
The important thing is to get away – away from the city, away from the traffic, away from the office and its neverending demands of getting things done quickly so that you can start another project. Crystalline Waters reminds us that real life goes on – quietly and peacefully – in these isolated areas, whether we are there or not.
For this reason, it’s important to try to be there – in real life or through the viewing of a painting – and enter into a world of peace, tranquility, and serenity.
Featured in 30 Fine Art America Groups.
March 17th, 2017