Forgotten Path is a painting by Steve Henderson which was uploaded on March 13th, 2017.
Forgotten Path
Buy the Original Painting
12.000 x 24.000 inches
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Forgotten Path
Steve Henderson
Painting - Oil On Panel
Peeking from a glade of cottonwoods, an abandoned homestead beckons the traveler to draw near and explore.
There are many homesteads such as this in the Pacific Northwest of the United States – Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, and those who live and ramble through the rural countryside today stumble upon old houses, old dreams such as this. One always wonders: who lived here? How long ago? What was the family like? What were their dreams?
Questions such as these are natural and worth asking, because old, abandoned homesteads such as the one in Forgotten Path remind us of the timelessness of humanity: dreams, desires, goals, aspirations, desires – these are not elements that are unique to people in the 21st century, nor to people in the United States, although with our tendency to be chronocentric and limited in thinking to our own region, we very much limit our scope.
“Oh, you mean that people 1,000 years ago loved their children and worried about them? Or even people today, who believe differently than I do and live across the world, have dreams for their personal lives that are as meaningful to them as my dreams are to me?”
Especially in a society that is overloaded with propaganda and news, which is an accurate description of life in the United States, it is easy for people to be convinced – by the words of people who have few scruples but much power – that “other people” are so different from us, that we have nothing in common.
But we all, as human beings, have this in common: we are all human beings. Whether we live now or in 1,700 years ago, whether we reside in the country or the city, whether our passport says we are from Canada or Afghanistan, we are all human – and we all have dreams, desires, hopes, fears, longings, and deep, deep emotions.
Forgotten Path encourages us not to forget that.
Featured in 28 Fine Art America groups.
March 13th, 2017
More from Steve Henderson
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Leanne Seymour
Congratulations on your feature in the Semi Abstract - 1 A Day group! You are invited to add your featured image to the group discussion thread created for archiving features along with the date of this feature. 10/28/2024

Robyn King
Congratulations your gorgeous art is being featured in Over 1000 Views! Please share your artwork in our featured artist archive thread for a lasting record of your accomplishment!

Robyn King
Congratulations your fantastic art is being featured in Over 2000 Views! Please share your artwork in our featured artist archive thread for a lasting record of your accomplishment!