He Skates is a photograph by Karol Livote which was uploaded on March 9th, 2011.
He Skates
He Skates - Original Photography by Karol Livote
A glimpse of a hockey player.
A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great... more
by Karol Livote
He Skates
Karol Livote
Photograph - Photography
He Skates - Original Photography by Karol Livote
A glimpse of a hockey player.
A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be. Wayne Gretzky
A Fact about Hockey that most do not know:
The sport of modern hockey has its origins in Canada, but the game has roots even older than that.
Hockey, in the ice playing variation, began in Canada, but earlier versions of the game were played by the Arabs, Romans, Persians, and Greeks. The Irish used to play a game called Hurling, which is very much like field hockey. During the fifth to the fifteenth century, hockey like stick and ball games were played all throughout Europe. Just before the sixteenth century, Native Americans also played a game that was like hockey. It is believed that the term hockey is derived either from the Irish Hockie or the French Hoquet meaning a shepherds crook. The word was applied to the game during the eighteenth century but came into common use a century after that.
March 9th, 2011
More from Karol Livote
Comments (185)
Only A Fine Day
Very creative. If you haven't already done so, please consider adding this one to my "Favorite Features" contest.
Karol Livote
Thanks for all the purchases, comments and features, including the feature in the Artist Salon 1 group.
Karol Livote
Thanks for the features in the Art and Photography group, the 10000 that's ten thousand group and the Artist Salon 1 group!
Karol Livote
Thanks for the features in the Crazy Artists group and the Art Submissions group and the sales of this image!