Hydrangeas at Angele is a painting by Gail Chandler which was uploaded on June 26th, 2009.
Hydrangeas at Angele
Original - Sold
Not Specified
11.000 x 15.000 inches
This piece has been already sold. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
Click here to contact the artist.
Hydrangeas at Angele
Gail Chandler
Painting - Watercolor On 300lb Papaer
A wide array of canvas and metal reproduction sizes are available for this piece.
Please contact either of the following galleries for assistance.
Gallery 1870 in the Napa Valley - 800-322-1870
Xanadu Gallery, Scottsdale AZ - 866-483-1306
June 26th, 2009
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More from Gail Chandler
Comments (10)

Chrisann Ellis
Gail, This is Breath Taking! Congrats on your sale. :) adding to my favorites for more to see your outstanding work :)

Maria Soto Robbins
This is so nicely done! Love the shadows and the composition. Actually everything about it!

Chrisann Ellis
This is so beautiful. Looking in your gallery~you have one excellent piece after another. Plus I really love how you handle your medium.. :)