Intrigued is a painting by Lucie Bilodeau which was uploaded on March 18th, 2014.
Lucie Bilodeau
Painting - Oil On Linen
A portrait painting of a Paint Percheron cross.
To provide with the best quality reproduction this painting was photographed by a professional photographer. He creates reproduction-quality digital files by direct capture, using a state-of-the-art 50 megapixel Hasselblad H5D camera.
March 18th, 2014
More from Lucie Bilodeau
Comments (5)
Gary F Richards
Outstanding Intrigued composition, lighting, contrast and shading, color and artwork! F/L voted
Janice Rae Pariza
This is absolutely amazing, as are the rest of your works, truly awesome, and oils, I miss oils!! Kudos! Fav/Shared
Sandi Mikuse
Oh my Lucie...I thought this was a photograph at first! What an amazing artist you are! And I can see you are truly a nature-lover like I am....I am so glad I found you and your work! My friend and I have been heading up a small group in our community called "Advocates for Urban Wildlife" in an attempt to protect the wildlife animals that venture into the urban/wilderness interface areas around our city. Unfortunately, our conservation services are very trigger happy and the people in our community are very fear-based when it comes to having wildlife animals in its midst. It is a long hard battle for us, but we keep trying. I am so happy to have found a kindred spirit in you! I love horses, grew up with them all my life...and this painting is just perfect...I can just feel the softness of that muzzle, Lucie! L/F
Lucie Bilodeau replied:
Thank you, Sandi! She was very interested in what her human was doing in front of her. I just loved her expression. I wish you the best of success with your group to protect the wildlife.