Quiet Contemplation is a painting by Steve Henderson which was uploaded on April 21st, 2017.
Quiet Contemplation
Buy the Original Painting
15.000 x 22.000 inches
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Quiet Contemplation
Steve Henderson
Painting - Watercolor On Paper
Delicate and strong, garden flowers yield to a gentle, meditative touch.
Quiet Contemplation, the artwork, invites the viewer to step into this garden – which is an abstract, impressionist sort of place – and listen to the sounds of spring: there is the gentle breeze that whispers past one’s face; there is the buzzing hum of insects; there is the chirp of the song bird.
And in some gardens, hopefully not too close to the song bird, there is the family cat, brushing up against one’s legs and mewing.
But the overall sounds are peaceful ones, quiet ones, sounds of tranquility that inspire one to simply be. It is enough to simply look at the flowers, to gently brush them with one’s fingers, to marvel at their shape, their smell, their fragility which also incorporates a certain toughness because flowers, after all, spend their lives outside, in the elements.
Quiet Contemplation reminds us that life needs just that – quiet and contemplation – because we live in a society that promotes busy-ness almost to the point of worship.
“What are you doing out in the garden?” one can almost hear society’s voice say. “Are you planting something, or getting ready to sell it at the market? You’re not just STANDING there, are you, doing nothing?”
Well, yes, the young woman in the painting is just standing there, but she is not doing nothing. She is experiencing a time of joy and peace in the garden, a time of wonder at the beauty of nature, a time of not planning, not being productive, not finishing a project, not making a phone call, not checking a Facebook post, not worrying about the future, or the past, or the present.
We all need such times of Quiet Contemplation, not just every day, but multiple times throughout each day, to the point that such quiet, and such contemplation, becomes our idea of normal.
Featured in 17 Fine Art America groups.
April 21st, 2017