Sea Turtle Gentle Giant is a painting by Jo Lynch which was uploaded on December 5th, 2009.
Sea Turtle Gentle Giant
by Jo Lynch
Original - Sold
Not Specified
30.000 x 22.000 inches
This piece has been already sold. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Sea Turtle Gentle Giant
Jo Lynch
Painting - Watercolor
This version of my Whimsical Sea Turtle has been painted in Watercolors and is vivid and a true whimzicals(tm). Whimzicals(tm) being defined as Cheerful, bright, waking up your inner chilld, wonderful to decorate toddlers rooms and brightening the days of many middle aged office workers. The Sea Turtle, one of natures special mysteries, comes to the beach to lay their eggs each year. Watching the hatchlings run off to the ocean is a sight one never forgets. Painted by Artist, Jo Lynch
December 5th, 2009
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Comments (198)
Jacek Dudzinski
Nice job! Keep up the good work! Great talent. I really would apreciate your feedback of my Photography ;-)
Jacek Dudzinski
Amazing work. I love it! If you have a sec, please let me know what you think about my images. I really want to progress with my knowledge
Gull G
Art provides an opportunity for kaleidoscopic thinking. Each time we shift the lens of our perceptions, we gain new perspectives — and new opportunities for innovation. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR RECENT SALE OF AN WONDERFUL WORK!