Seeking The Bridge is a painting by Sonye Locksmith which was uploaded on October 23rd, 2018.
Seeking The Bridge
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30.000 x 40.000 inches
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Seeking The Bridge
Sonye Locksmith
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
This painting was inspired by the second form of Wing Chun called Chum Kil (Chum ku) which is Cantonese Chinese.
* In English this translates to seeking the bridge.
* This was painted with the open hand form of the martial arts by using two brushes instead of one. In the form, there are strikes and blocks with the foot movements.
* I used my canvas as a way to express my internal and external conflict. After i filled the canvas with paint then I started to work from my subconscious to display my current state.
* The original plan was to paint a bridge, which would be gold. I chose the main street bridge to paint since I currently live in Jacksonville.
* The animals on the left represent the war that’s inside me and the animals on the right depicts that I’m trying to save what’s left of me. I’m seeking peace.
* The figure in the middle is an abstract portrait of myself. This figure glows in the dark.
* The water represents Bruce Lee’s philosophy that says you must be formless like water. Including water in this painting shows that I’m learning how to adapt to my situation.
* The owl depicts the wisdom we can find from situations that we face in life. The dove represents peace and the horse represents the free spirit.
* I painted the bear and bull to depict my battle with working for a financial firm where I’ve wanted to earn more.
* Being at the firm has made me feel drained lately. The solider and question mark represents who am I at war with.
* This war only exists in my mind because only sometimes, I feel like- I’m at peace. I believe due to me becoming empathetic, I’ve let the external affect the internal.
October 23rd, 2018
More from Sonye Locksmith
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