Spiritual Awakening is a photograph by Az Jackson which was uploaded on February 23rd, 2021.
Spiritual Awakening

by Az Jackson
Spiritual Awakening
Az Jackson
A ray of light pierces through the ceiling of Upper Antelope Canyon in Page, Arizona as the sun illuminates the walls in an array of colors creating a safe space for a Spiritual Awakening
-- Artist Notes --
Only at certain times of the day when the sun is positioned at a certain angle will you see this amazing, awe-inspiring explosion of color and through a lot of meticulous planning I was able to capture it. I call this Spiritual Awakening because of the ethereal feeling I felt within these ancient walls.
Imagine being in the most beautiful church in the world, all alone, it's raining outside, things feel hopeless in your life and you're feeling down then all of a sudden the walls light up with color and a ray of light hits you on the head, and you get that "aha" moment... then times that by a thousand and you can probably understand how transformational this place was for me.
I'm not a church goer nor can I see religion as anything more than another sinister vector of control but I have to say without a doubt Antelope Canyon has given me a spiritual awakening like nothing else before and I'm eternally grateful I was able to witness it for myself. I would highly recommend a visit here at least once in your life if you're looking for your spirit, opening up your third eye, connection to source or all three. God is inside you, you just have to find the strength to wake him up. Start with love, then with truth.
February 23rd, 2021