Under Control is a painting by Brian Stauffer which was uploaded on March 2nd, 2020.
Under Control
Under Control
Brian Stauffer
Publication: New Yorker
Image Type: Cover
Date: March 9, 2020
Description: Trump with his mouth wide open, wearing a respiratory mask over his eyes.
Caption: Under Control
March 2nd, 2020
More from Brian Stauffer
Comments (25)
Gary Spedding
Pat he is an ass. When asked should we vote for him - YES or NO? I'd say it's a NO brainer and he is himself a NO brainer!
PJ Rosenberg
This is excellent: a variation would be to mimic all three monkeys, with dark glasses and hearing protectors, in the wrong places of course.
PJ Rosenberg
LOL "Pat Foster" if you're a real person.......Yes, at last he is doing all he can, after a few weeks of silencing the CDC and denying the seriousness of the situation. And why is he now "doing all he can"??? Might it perhaps have to do with being criticized for belittling the situation and silencing the CDC, and appointing Pence, a vehement science denier, to handle the situation? AND with the fact that he is up for reelection and realizing he needs a the votes he can get?