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February 6th, 2018 - Milan, Mi

Italian painter Mario Zampedroni makes statements with color. Like most abstract painters, Zampedroni sees the world in a unique way and captures that vision so that others can share it with him. While today so much art is created simply to look pretty and to decorate rooms so they feel more like doctors offices or hotels, a well-crafted abstract painting should capture the eye, as well as the imagination.

Zampedroni's Music is a perfect example. The pink hue of the painting strikes the viewer first. The color is relaxing yet fun much like a lovely piece of music and lacks the fiery, blood pressure raising qualities of its darker sister, red. But Music brings in other colors as well, including the multiple colors of the staff those five lines where composers create their own works of art.

One of the most interesting parts of the piece, however, is the style of the black musical notes which seem more like ethereal stratus clouds hovering over the staff as if they have been set free from the bars. Perhaps this depicts the difference between the written music on the page and the music when it is being performed. After all, the music can then be lifted off the page and released into the world for others to experience and enjoy.

Of course, whether this was Zampedroni's intention or purpose in the painting is something we can only speculate about. But that is part of the joy of abstract paintings. You can look into them and find your own meaning or you can enjoy discussing potential meanings with friends and visitors. Nothing starts up a more lively discussion than a piece of abstract art.

Now that doesn't mean this particular piece isnt also an eye-catching work of art. The colors in the painting would add life and interest to almost any room decor. But it does more than look pretty and that's not something which can be said very often of home decorations.

But Music is just one example of the abstract paintings Zampedoni creates. His abstract floral paintings such as Abstract Art 2007 offers the same mystery and imagination but with a darker color scheme. Although beautiful, the darkness of the painting might also call to mind those hidden reasons why someone receives some lovely roses from a significant other. Or it might remind us of the cyclic nature of the world.

Regardless of the abstract painting, the depth of the art comes from its ability to excite our aesthetics and our imaginations.

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