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James Polk Framed Prints

James Polk Framed Prints

Our framed prints of President James Polk feature stunning images of this 11th U.S. President and highlight his notable accomplishments during his time in office. Born in 1795, Polk was the first "dark horse" candidate to win a major party nomination for president and he led an expansionist foreign policy that saw the U.S. acquire Texas, California and much more land throughout the Southwest during his single term in office from 1845-1849. These framed prints are perfect to hang as a reminder of one of America's most successful presidents!

1 - 63 of 63 james polk framed prints for sale

Results: 63

Results: 63

James K Polk Framed Print James K Polk Framed Print



President James K. Polk Graphic Black And White Framed Print President James K. Polk Graphic Black and White Framed Print



James K. Polk Framed Print James K. Polk Framed Print



President James K. Polk Graphic Framed Print President James K. Polk Graphic Framed Print



Jimmy Carter Framed Print Jimmy Carter Framed Print



President James K Polk Watercolor Portrait Framed Print President James K Polk Watercolor Portrait Framed Print



Calvin Coolidge Framed Print Calvin Coolidge Framed Print



Chester A. Arthur Framed Print Chester A. Arthur Framed Print



Theodore Roosevelt Framed Print Theodore Roosevelt Framed Print



Ronald Reagan Framed Print Ronald Reagan Framed Print



Ulysses S. Grant Framed Print Ulysses S. Grant Framed Print



Dwight D. Eisenhower Framed Print Dwight D. Eisenhower Framed Print



William Howard Taft Framed Print William Howard Taft Framed Print



Grover Cleveland Framed Print Grover Cleveland Framed Print



James K. Polk Framed Print James K. Polk Framed Print



Richard Nixon Framed Print Richard Nixon Framed Print



Unruly Inaugural Ball Of President James K Polk At The National Theater, 1845 Framed Print Unruly Inaugural Ball of President James K Polk at the National Theater, 1845 Framed Print



William Mckinley Framed Print William McKinley Framed Print



Herbert Hoover Framed Print Herbert Hoover Framed Print



Harry S. Truman Framed Print Harry S. Truman Framed Print



John Quincy Adams Framed Print John Quincy Adams Framed Print



Martin Van Buren Framed Print Martin Van Buren Framed Print



John Tyler Framed Print John Tyler Framed Print



John Tyler #1 Framed Print John Tyler #1 Framed Print



Millard Fillmore Framed Print Millard Fillmore Framed Print



Thomas Jefferson Framed Print Thomas Jefferson Framed Print



William Henry Harrison Framed Print William Henry Harrison Framed Print



Zachary Taylor Framed Print Zachary Taylor Framed Print



Franklin Pierce Framed Print Franklin Pierce Framed Print



James Buchanan Framed Print James Buchanan Framed Print



Andrew Johnson Framed Print Andrew Johnson Framed Print



Woodrow Wilson Framed Print Woodrow Wilson Framed Print



Warren G. Harding Framed Print Warren G. Harding Framed Print



Rutherford B. Hayes Framed Print Rutherford B. Hayes Framed Print



James A. Garfield Framed Print James A. Garfield Framed Print



Franklin D. Roosevelt Framed Print Franklin D. Roosevelt Framed Print



Sarah Polk, First Lady #1 Framed Print Sarah Polk, First Lady #1 Framed Print



President James K Polk Framed Print President James K Polk Framed Print



James K Polk #1 Framed Print James K Polk #1 Framed Print



James K Polk #2 Framed Print James K Polk #2 Framed Print



Sarah Polk, First Lady Framed Print Sarah Polk, First Lady Framed Print



Sarah Polk, First Lady #2 Framed Print Sarah Polk, First Lady #2 Framed Print



Grand National Democratic Banner. Press Onward N. Currier Framed Print Grand National Democratic Banner. Press Onward N. Currier Framed Print



Past Presidents Of The Usa A2 Framed Print Past Presidents of the USA a2 Framed Print



Zachary Taylor Framed Print Zachary Taylor Framed Print



Official Portrait Of Us President James Polk By George Healy 184 Framed Print Official Portrait of US President James Polk by George Healy 184 Framed Print



President James K. Polk Portrait - George Alexander Healy Framed Print President James K. Polk Portrait - George Alexander Healy Framed Print



James K. Polk, President Framed Print James K. Polk, President Framed Print



Object Number  L N Pg 41 2006 Exhibition Label  It Is Often Said That James K  Polk Was The First  D Framed Print Object number L N PG 41 2006 Exhibition label It is often said that James K Polk was the first d Framed Print



James K. Polk. 1849 Framed Print James K. Polk. 1849 Framed Print



Tomb Of President James K. Polk Framed Print Tomb Of President James K. Polk Framed Print



James K. Polk As President Elect Framed Print James K. Polk As President Elect Framed Print



Tomb Of President James K. Polk #1 Framed Print Tomb Of President James K. Polk #1 Framed Print



James K. Polk 1795-1849, U.s. President Framed Print James K. Polk 1795-1849, U.s. President Framed Print



James K. Polk 1795-1849, U.s. President #1 Framed Print James K. Polk 1795-1849, U.s. President #1 Framed Print



James K Polk  11th American President Framed Print James K Polk 11th American President Framed Print



James K  Polk Framed Print James K Polk Framed Print



James K  Polk Framed Print James K Polk Framed Print



James K  Polk Framed Print James K Polk Framed Print



James K  Polk Framed Print James K Polk Framed Print



James K  Polk #1 Framed Print James K Polk #1 Framed Print



President Of The United States Of America - James K Polk Framed Print President of the United States of America - James K Polk Framed Print



Filters Applied


1 - 63 of 63 james polk framed prints for sale

Our framed prints of President James Polk feature stunning images of this 11th U.S. President and highlight his notable accomplishments during his time in office. Born in 1795, Polk was the first "dark horse" candidate to win a major party nomination for president and he led an expansionist foreign policy that saw the U.S. acquire Texas, California and much more land throughout the Southwest during his single term in office from 1845-1849. These framed prints are perfect to hang as a reminder of one of America's most successful presidents!