The Flintstones" is a popular cartoon show that is based around the Flintstone family that lived in the Stone Age. The Flintstones were supposed to be named the Flagstones, but there was a comic strip with the same name at the time. Also, Pebbles was supposed to be a baby boy, but it was changed to a baby girl before the third season. Our Flintstones greeting cards include pictures of the animated family.
The Flintstones" is a popular cartoon show that is based around the Flintstone family that lived in the Stone Age. The Flintstones were supposed to be named the Flagstones, but there was a comic strip with the same name at the time. Also, Pebbles was supposed to be a baby boy, but it was changed to a baby girl before the third season. Our Flintstones greeting cards include pictures of the animated family.
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