Look no further for the perfect greeting card featuring the iconic movie star Paul Newman! Our cards feature a variety of images capturing his rugged good looks, charm and charisma. Whether it's the classic blue-eyed Hollywood heartthrob or his later years as an Oscar-winning actor, these cards are sure to be appreciated by friends and family alike. From his breakout role in The Long Hot Summer to Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid, Paul Newman was an icon who left an unforgettable mark on film history.
1 - 24 of 24 paul newman greeting cards for sale grouped by artist
Look no further for the perfect greeting card featuring the iconic movie star Paul Newman! Our cards feature a variety of images capturing his rugged good looks, charm and charisma. Whether it's the classic blue-eyed Hollywood heartthrob or his later years as an Oscar-winning actor, these cards are sure to be appreciated by friends and family alike. From his breakout role in The Long Hot Summer to Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid, Paul Newman was an icon who left an unforgettable mark on film history.
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