Produced in 1932 by the legendary director Howard Hawks, Scarface is a film that depicts American gangsters during the Roaring Twenties. In 1983, a film with the same name was produced by Oliver Stone and Brian de Palma. Featuring actor Al Pacino in the role of Tony Montana, this second production focuses on the drug trade in the Miami area of Florida. Celebrate an iconic crime drama film with our Scarface greeting cards.
Produced in 1932 by the legendary director Howard Hawks, Scarface is a film that depicts American gangsters during the Roaring Twenties. In 1983, a film with the same name was produced by Oliver Stone and Brian de Palma. Featuring actor Al Pacino in the role of Tony Montana, this second production focuses on the drug trade in the Miami area of Florida. Celebrate an iconic crime drama film with our Scarface greeting cards.
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