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Religious Figures iPhone Cases

Religious Figures iPhone Cases

Our iPhone cases featuring religious figures are perfect for adding a spiritual touch to your device. Choose from images of Jesus, Mary, or St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and nature who lived in the 12th century and is known for his love and devotion to God's creation. These cases will bring elegance and beauty to any look while also reminding you of your faith.

1 - 72 of 4,008 religious figures iphone cases for sale grouped by artist

Results: 4,008

Results: 4,008

iPhone Case - The Guardian by Sara Burrier

The Guardian



iPhone Case - Power by Gloria Rothrock




iPhone Case - Daniel in the Lions Den by Briton Riviere

Daniel in the Lions Den



iPhone Case - Inner Tranquility by Christopher Beikmann

Inner Tranquility



iPhone Case - Emerge Painting by Mia Tavonatti

Emerge Painting



iPhone Case - Sagrada Familia Steps by Dave Bowman

Sagrada Familia Steps



iPhone Case - Supper at Emmaus by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Supper at Emmaus



iPhone Case - The Sacred Heart of Jesus by English School

The Sacred Heart of Jesus



iPhone Case - Madonna of the Fir Tree by Marianne Stokes

Madonna of the Fir Tree



iPhone Case - Laughing Rainbow Buddha by Sue Halstenberg

Laughing Rainbow Buddha



iPhone Case - The Last Supper by Vicente Juan Macip

The Last Supper



iPhone Case - Immaculate Heart of Mary by Smith Catholic Art

Immaculate Heart of Mary



iPhone Case - Om by Michael Creese




iPhone Case - Namaste- watercolor card by Linda Woods

Namaste- watercolor card



iPhone Case - Virgin and Child  by Neri di Bicci

Virgin and Child



iPhone Case - Buddha's Hand by Adrian Evans

Buddha's Hand



iPhone Case - Buddha Face Lotus 1  by Mark Ashkenazi

Buddha Face Lotus 1



iPhone Case - Mary Magdalene Playing the Lute by Master of the Female Half Lengths

Mary Magdalene Playing the Lute



iPhone Case - Unity by Vrindavan Das




iPhone Case - Mary by Agnolo Bronzino




iPhone Case - Calvary by Abraham Janssens van Nuyssen




iPhone Case - The Sleeping Christ by Bernardino Luini

The Sleeping Christ



iPhone Case - Head of Christ by Franz Von Stuck

Head of Christ



iPhone Case - Buddha Hand Mudra by Tim Gainey

Buddha Hand Mudra



iPhone Case - Dark Buddha by Alexej von Jawlensky

Dark Buddha



iPhone Case - You Are Not Alone by Laur Iduc

You Are Not Alone



iPhone Case - Panda Buddha by James W Johnson

Panda Buddha



iPhone Case - Cross on Bible 2 by Elena Elisseeva

Cross on Bible 2



iPhone Case - Santorini by Joana Kruse




iPhone Case - God is Great  by Paul Lovering

God is Great



iPhone Case - Stencil Buddha by Pixel Chimp

Stencil Buddha



iPhone Case - Joan of Arc by Jules Bastien-Lepage

Joan of Arc



iPhone Case - Buddha by My Inspiration




iPhone Case - Joan of Arc by Jen Norton

Joan of Arc



iPhone Case - Road to Emmaus by Michael Torevell

Road to Emmaus



iPhone Case - Touchdown Jesus by Mountain Dreams

Touchdown Jesus



iPhone Case - Stained Glass Cross by Debbie DeWitt

Stained Glass Cross



iPhone Case - The Lamb #1 by Andrew King

The Lamb #1



iPhone Case - Buddha Bliss by Jane Small

Buddha Bliss



iPhone Case - The Adoration of the Child by Federico Fiori Barocci or Baroccio

The Adoration of the Child



iPhone Case - The Last Supper by Jean Baptiste de Champaigne

The Last Supper



iPhone Case - Jesus Christ by Munir Alawi

Jesus Christ



iPhone Case - Jesus Christ, Portrait by Heinrich Hofmann

Jesus Christ, Portrait



iPhone Case - Agony in the Garden, 1898 by Frans Schwartz

Agony in the Garden, 1898



iPhone Case - Gethsemane #1 by Carl Bloch

Gethsemane #1



iPhone Case - Come Unto Me by Nancy Lee Moran

Come Unto Me



iPhone Case - Comfort those that Mourn by Graham Braddock

Comfort those that Mourn



iPhone Case - Golden Afternoon Meditation by Laura Iverson

Golden Afternoon Meditation



iPhone Case - The Crucifixion by Follower Of Peter Paul Rubens

The Crucifixion




1 - 72 of 4,008 religious figures iphone cases for sale grouped by artist

Our iPhone cases featuring religious figures are perfect for adding a spiritual touch to your device. Choose from images of Jesus, Mary, or St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and nature who lived in the 12th century and is known for his love and devotion to God's creation. These cases will bring elegance and beauty to any look while also reminding you of your faith.