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Harmonica Posters

Harmonica Posters

The harmonica is a handheld instrument that is played by blowing air into it and moving your hands along the small holes. Interestingly, the harmonica is the world's best-selling instrument; over 40 million harmonicas have been sold in the United States. The first harmonicas were made entirely from wood, but now they are made entirely from various metals. Our harmonica posters include multiple different patent diagrams, as well as pictures of people playing the harmonica.

1 - 34 of 34 harmonica posters for sale grouped by artist

Results: 34

Results: 34

Wolf With Harmonica Poster

Wolf With Harmonica


Jamboree Poster



Howlin Wolf Performing In Detroit Poster

Howlin Wolf Performing In Detroit


Billy Joel Poster

Billy Joel


Life Is Like A Harmonica #1 Poster

Life Is Like A Harmonica #1


Blues For Junior Poster

Blues For Junior


Tychonic Planisphere Poster

Tychonic Planisphere


Harmonica Poster



Cool Grandpas Play Harmonica Poster

Cool Grandpas Play Harmonica


Blues Harp Poster

Blues Harp


Music In Three Poster

Music in Three


Play A Song For Me . . . Poster

Play A Song For Me . . .


A Heart Of Gold Poster

A Heart Of Gold


Reese Poster



Norton Buffalo - Steve Miller Band Poster

Norton Buffalo - Steve Miller Band


Concert At The Deli Poster

Concert at the Deli


Eastman Kodak Poster

Eastman Kodak



1 - 34 of 34 harmonica posters for sale grouped by artist

The harmonica is a handheld instrument that is played by blowing air into it and moving your hands along the small holes. Interestingly, the harmonica is the world's best-selling instrument; over 40 million harmonicas have been sold in the United States. The first harmonicas were made entirely from wood, but now they are made entirely from various metals. Our harmonica posters include multiple different patent diagrams, as well as pictures of people playing the harmonica.