Mork & Mindy" is a television show that appeared on ABC-TV from 1978 to 1982 and featured comedian Robin Williams as an alien named Mork. He is trying to learn more about how humans interact with each other while communicating with his home planet. The show also starred actress Paw Dawber as Mindy. Show how much you love this intergalactic show with a few "Mork & Mindy" T-shirts.
Mork & Mindy" is a television show that appeared on ABC-TV from 1978 to 1982 and featured comedian Robin Williams as an alien named Mork. He is trying to learn more about how humans interact with each other while communicating with his home planet. The show also starred actress Paw Dawber as Mindy. Show how much you love this intergalactic show with a few "Mork & Mindy" T-shirts.
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