Parks and Recreation" began as a sort-of spin-off to NBC's "The Office," but the tone of the show veered off soon after it started, becoming a beloved show in its own right. The ever-persistent, service-centric government employee Leslie Knope became a hero to fans, as did her gruff yet principled boss and friend, Ron Swanson. The show that launched a thousand memes now has a number of "Parks and Recreation" T-shirts to remember it by.
Parks and Recreation" began as a sort-of spin-off to NBC's "The Office," but the tone of the show veered off soon after it started, becoming a beloved show in its own right. The ever-persistent, service-centric government employee Leslie Knope became a hero to fans, as did her gruff yet principled boss and friend, Ron Swanson. The show that launched a thousand memes now has a number of "Parks and Recreation" T-shirts to remember it by.
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