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A Few Reasons Why You May Not Be Selling

Floyd Snyder

Blog #14 of 67




December 29th, 2022 - 01:20 PM

A Few Reasons Why You May Not Be Selling

These are not in order, but I believe they all play a role in how much you are or are not selling.

The number of images:

As the old saying goes, you simply cannot sell off an empty wagon. Common sense would tell you that. Unless you have some sort of unusual circumstance, you need to have as many images as possible, hundreds or even thousands, not dozens.

If you are a high-profile, well-known, big-name artist, maybe you get away with a small number of images. But if you look at the largest sellers here, most of them have hundreds of images, and some have several thousand.

I built Five Power Stores with over a million dollars in sales on eBay before I ever joined FAA. There was a direct correlation ot the number of sales and the number of listings (uploads) in all five of those stores. I found the same thing to be true when I joined FAA.

I have heard all of the arguments; I only post my best, and different variations just run people off, I am going for quality, not quantity. Okay... if that is your position, then accept that fact of lower sales for what it is and why. If you hope to make money selling artwork, there are certain compromises you HAVE to be willing to make. I am not suggesting anyone upload bad images. I am suggesting that a lot of artists are the worst judge of their own work. I am sure I am not the first person you heard say that. You have to trust the marketplace and the buyers to know for themselves what they want to buy and what they will pass on.


The combined artwork sales of Amazon, eBay and FAA probably are higher than the next ten sellers of art on the internet combined. They will all tell you the same thing; watermarks will discourage buyers. That is the bottom line. I don't care about all the arguments that go against that opinion. If the largest sellers of artwork on the internet, people that have spent millions if not billions of dollars to maximize sales, tell you that watermarks will hinder sales, then watermarks will hinder sales!! If you hope to make money selling artwork, there are certain compromises you HAVE to be willing to make. If you want to buck that system, then more power to you. Accept the fact it will mean lower sales for what it is and why.

Search Engine Paranoia

People are paying way to much time over worrying the search engine and keep saying how horribly bad it is and offer up 60,000 ways it can be improved. Get over it!! It is what it is. Only Sean knows exactly how it works and has made it abundantly clear that he will not tell us.

The thing you have to understand, THE SEARCH WORKS FOR FAA!

It works just fine and is selling artwork for Sean. Business is good overall and on the upswing for FAA. Sean is always working on the site, and he has his own priorities as to what he wants the site to be or not be. We are tenants here, we are not partners. We do not get to tell the landlord how to run the everyday business of running the mall.

If all of the suggestions of what the search should be were installed, it is STILL not going to make everyone happy. It is still only going to return so many images. If you are not one of the big sellers, you will still not be found in the search as often as you would like. Amazon and eBay both do the same thing. They want to tilt the scales in their favor to maximize the opportunity for a sale. They don't care who it is. The only favorite sellers they have are those that sell the most images. I would do the same thing. So would you if you were in their position.

You need to do the best you can to maximize your tags and descriptions to be found in the search and then forget about it. Spend more time advertising and marketing direct links to your AW/Premium Site images. Stop living and dying on the search results. Reach out as far away and as far outside of FAA and reach the general art buying market. That is how you are going to improve your sales. Not via a new and better search anywhere near as much as you think you are.

Stop looking at seasonal swings or economic conditions that may or may not affect sales. You can't do anything about it and you don't even know if they are really the problem. Stay positive, and don't let others talk you into a funk by saying things like, "we always see lower sales in the summer" or other such things.

Little Fish In A Big Ocean

The fact is FAA is growing. New images, hundreds if not thousands, are being added every day. Sellers, some with huge portfolios of images, are joining all the time.

This also goes hand in hand with living by the search, both FAA and Google. This is pretty simple stuff. The individual artist is increasingly becoming a little fish in a huge ocean. That ocean has huge sharks and whales consuming sales at a rapid rate.

If you are going to get found, you must go out and drag the buyers into your AW. This is going to continue to be the case.

Most see that as a negative. I don't don't. I see it as competition. If some of the best artists, galleries, and museums see FAA as "the" place to be, then so do I.

I don't care about all the complaints that "stock" is the problem. First, don't underestimate those referred to as the "stock" companies. A lot of their images are very, very good, fine art images. And they sell every day. This tells us all that there ARE buyers out there every day. You just have to figure out how to compete and get your fair share.

You can not depend on "the search" to do that for you. I don't care how much improvement is done. You will still be seen as a very small fish in a huge ocean as far as the search is concerned.

So let's recap:

Load as many images as you can. Consider different variations of existing images such as black and whites, sepia tones, details and other variations. Some people will tell you that that will discourage buyers. I have been selling variations of my photographs successfully for 50 years by doing it. That is exactly what the large sellers that are uploading image every day are doing.

Get rid of the watermarks. They DO discourage buyers. The protection is not as much as you think it is. The low res image loss is not a hard money loss. The lost sale of an image because of it IS a hard money loss.

Stop living and dying by the search. Do what you can to maximize your potential to get found using searchable titles, tags and descriptions. But then more on and stop worrying about it. Do something about it instead.

Expand your reach as far outside FAA as possible. I do not believe that the contests, groups, image dump thread or spending too much time in the threads in general is of much if any, value. Spend that time advertising you work OUTSIDE FAA.

You need to go beyond FAA and reach out and be seen in the greater art-buying community. The marketplace is so much more than FAA.

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and others are a place to start because it is free and easy to do. But they, too, are very limited. You have to consider other means of advertising. Direct email, press releases (with mass circulation, not the FAA-supplied press release system) banner ads, pay for clicks, trading links bounce back pieces and any other way of mass marketing you can think of.

Get Educated

Go to school and learn something about selling and marketing. Take advertising, marketing, and salesmanship classes at your local Community or Junior College. You do not have to be some silver-tongued salesman. Just knowing the basics will help you do marketing.

All that said, you HAVE to keep a positive attitude. Block out the negative Nellies and stay positive. I have never met a successful salesman that spent a lot of times in the "woes me" state of mind. You got to stay positive!!

Be aggressive with your marketing/advertising. Remember the words of Zig Ziglar: "Skinny salesmen have skinny kids."

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John Shiron

2 Months Ago

Los Angeles, CA

Thank you for all the great advice!

Isabella Smedley

5 Months Ago

Kent, WA

I have been a member of FAA for a year. I am embarrassed to ask this question, but what is the difference between FAA and Pixels? Which address should I give people to view my work? I have been using the pixel.com but yesterday a potential client said that Pixels was a mess to navigate. As for sales, I have one in a year with over 13000 visits. I think my work is worthy of sales, but am unsure how to market better or ???. Thanks & grateful for the help

Lana De Lucia

7 Months Ago

St. Petersburg, FL

Great realistic advice and tips as I am finding out. I know all about marketing and the reality is organic marketing is old school technique. You got to pay to play in this market. It is so saturated with so many talented artist and it is very difficult to get recognized by the consumers of art. I wonder if it is truly even worth it due to the market share of the sale. I can't see letting myself pay for unlimited clicks "scammers" and not receiving any $$$ in return . Love & Peace Lana

Joel Keener

8 Months Ago

Claymont, DE

Thank you, good advise, I am new here and still uploading my work.

Matthew Bamberg

8 Months Ago

Palm Springs, CA

It's very competitive. Thanks

Lu Ross

8 Months Ago

Laguna Niguel, CA

Thank you. Great article!

Raquel Sarangello

8 Months Ago

Mercedes, AR

Excellent advice, much gracias for sharing your experience :)

Raquel Sarangello

8 Months Ago

Mercedes, AR

Excellent advice, much gracias for sharing your experience :)

Barbelo Creations

8 Months Ago

Fort Collins, CO

Hello, I am now into my 3 year online and I have posted over 350 digital creations and haven’t sold ONE. I get visitors to my website but I get no sales. Anyone that can provide any suggestions would be welcome. I would love to know what is causing this issue. I don’t use Watermarks and I set them all to be low in price as to not scare anyone away. Thank you. My pixel site is https://barbelocreations.pixels.com/ Regards, Barbelo

Barbelo Creations

8 Months Ago

Fort Collins, CO

Hello, I am now into my 3 year online and I have posted over 350 digital creations and haven’t sold ONE. I get visitors to my website but I get no sales. Anyone that can provide any suggestions would be welcome. I would love to know what is causing this issue. I don’t use Watermarks and I set them all to be low in price as to not scare anyone away. Thank you. My pixel site is https://barbelocreations.pixels.com/ Regards, Barbelo

John Kipong

9 Months Ago

Port Moresby, NCD

Thank you. Great advice,

Rafael Salazar

10 Months Ago

Coconut Creek, FL

Thank you Floyd, for having this conversation. It keeps us grounded to the fundamentals. A must read!

Matthew Bamberg

10 Months Ago

Palm Springs, CA

Great advice!

Louis Dallara

1 Year Ago

Mount Laurel, NJ

Thanks for the confirmation of some of my thoughts. Happy Sales 2024

Michael Hill

1 Year Ago

Scarborough, yorkshire

Many thanks.

Jennieve Consalvo

1 Year Ago

North Vancouver, BC

Great informative article. Thank you.

Rehan Malim

1 Year Ago

Rajapur, Maharashtra

Thanks for great article

Moscow, ID

Definitely some really good tips, thank you for the article :)

Debi Rogers

1 Year Ago

Middlesboro, KY

Thank you - sounds like good advice. I have some work to do, uploading more images, posting on social media and more!

Lillian Koponen

1 Year Ago

Brevard, NC

Thank you! I'm gonna load more images!!

Ewan Peart

1 Year Ago


Thank you! Very informative and helpful.

Raceland, LA

Thank you for all of this information!! Very much appreciated.

Kelso, WA

Im NEW to the selling of my art and i appreciate all the tips i can get so Thank You

Darius Xmitixmith

2 Years Ago

Wichita, KS

A very good read. Thanks for posting.

Sara Kissing

2 Years Ago

San Francisco, CA

Very inspiring. Thank you for posting.

Jan Fidler

5 Years Ago

Prague, Smichov

Very good article!!!!!

Doris McCue

5 Years Ago

Spring Hill, FL

All of your advise is so helpful to a newbie like me. I appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge. Thank you..

Johanna Hurmerinta

5 Years Ago


Spot on.

Jerry Emmons

6 Years Ago

Taos, NM

IMO- watermarks don't stop image theft. Every few years I have a bunch of Visitor hits from China. I believe they simple screen shot your work and do whatever they want ( crop, manipulate, pixel changes, other type product applications etc.) and market the images around the world. We no control of Intellectual Property Theft. China is the only foreign country I see on my Visitors records over the years. That's why I only post a few images on FAA. China has been ripping off US for years.

Bobbi Hardy

6 Years Ago

Sweetwater , TN

I agree 100% on watermarks ~ to be honest, nothing detracts an image than this huge person's name *watermark*

Cassi Moghan

6 Years Ago


Great advice. Thank you!

Shirley Frewin

6 Years Ago

Boulder, CO

As a new member for all of 3 days on FAA I appreciate any and all comments on how to sell my art work. I just started oil painting 3 months ago and figured I would paint what I like, not what I think will sell. The same goes for my photographs. Some members are upset that their work is not selling and that sounds like they are relying on some income that may or may not occur. Life is too short to depend on unknown forces to make one happy.

Sharon Mayhak

6 Years Ago

W Wareham, MA

I wish I had read this a year ago when I got started here. I can't thank you enough.

Carol Schmauder

7 Years Ago

Spokane, WA

Thank you for this information and advice. You have made some good points that encourage me to change a few things.

Patrice Zinck

7 Years Ago

Media, PA

Thank you for taking the time to share!

Elgin, NB

Thank you this information has been helpful for sure

Lori Kingston

9 Years Ago

Syracuse, NY

Thanks for the information -- this is a good read! Bookmarking! :)

Britt Runyon

9 Years Ago

Embudo, NM

Right on! Thanks..........